Teaching: How should AI be used for creating personal stories?

During our recent Faculty Learning Community on AI, Laura Russell shared a novel way she engaged her 100-level personal storytelling class in considering writing in the age of AI. The exercise centered around two main questions:
  • How can we make use of AI in ways that maximize its benefits while minimizing (un)foreseen drawbacks, especially when it comes to writing personal stories?
  • Or, as writers for AIContentfy inquired, “Will machines eventually replace human storytellers altogether, or will they simply be a tool for enhancing human creativity?”

Before responding to this prompt, she asked her students to read Telling Stories: The Health Benefits of Narrative by Pennebaker and The Blessings of Personal Storytelling by Maguire.  These readings helped students understand the psychological and emotional benefits of writing their own stories. She then had them consider The art of AI-generated storytelling by the AIContentfy team and AI’s impact on Storytelling by Meyers. After synthesizing key ideas from the readings along with their own thoughts in writing, the students engaged in a whole group discussion about what role, if any, AI should play in personal storytelling.

Armed with these perspectives, her students were able to think more critically about her writing prompts and how they might navigate this new technological landscape that is shaping their world.