Teaching: Unpacking Complexity

For many students, analyzing a complex scientific paper can feel like climbing a mountain—steep, daunting, and sometimes overwhelming. Heather Rhodes (Biology and Neuroscience) talked about how she guides her students up that mountain at our recent Teaching Matters debriefing the Open Doors program.

In her Neuro 312 course, which Karen Spierling (History) observed, Heather led students to analyze challenging primary research literature. Without the right support, students can feel lost in the dense terminology and intricate data. That’s why Heather carefully scaffolds their learning experience, building up their analytical skills before they reach the most difficult papers.

Her method includes:

  • Progressive Difficulty – Instead of throwing students into the deep end right away, she strategically sequences research articles. By the time students encounter this most difficult paper, they’ve built the necessary skills to tackle it with greater confidence.
  • A Reading Guide – Heather provides structured guidance to help students focus on key concepts. For example, her guide for Shi et al., 2021 highlights essential terms (like “microglia” and “dysbiosis”) and directs attention to specific figures for deeper analysis.
  • A Dash of Humor – She lightens the mood with a fun comic on the reading guide, reminding students that while the material is tough, learning is enjoyable.
  • Pep Talks – Knowing that mindset matters, she offers words of encouragement, framing the challenge as an opportunity for intellectual growth.

Through these thoughtful teaching strategies, Heather transforms what could be an overwhelming task into a manageable and rewarding learning experience. Karen observed the result of all of this intentional framing, “Heather’s students came to class prepared to talk through challenging material and left with more confidence in their own abilities to understand complex scientific research.  In the last 10 minutes of an 80-minute class, they still jumped right in when Heather asked some open-ended questions about that day’s reading on possible connections between fiber intake and Alzheimer’s and their own daily lives.”

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