Class discussion plays a key role in many of our classes at Denison. So much so that many of us include class participation as a percentage of the course grade. But how do we access participation? Is it just how many times a student speaks in class? Does this reward the risk-taking extrovert and penalize the introvert who needs time to process?
Teaching Tip – TTT
Articles and resources to empower your teaching experience.
Teaching – the first day of class
I’ve had quite a few first days since I taught my first class (last century, cough cough). Regardless, I’ve always reviewed Lang’s How to Teach a Good First Day of Class since it first appeared in the Chronicle a few years ago. It is always updated for the new school year and focuses on four key concepts to help set a productive first impression:
- Curiosity
- Community
- Learning
- Expectations
Teaching – Refining Your Syllabus
With a few weeks before the start of classes, time to put those finishing touches on your syllabi. Want to get some productive feedback on your syllabus before you hand it to students? Join us Monday, August 23 from 2-4 us for Teaching as Intentional Process & Critical Practice: A Syllabus Workshop facilitated by Dr. Michael Reder of Connecticut College.
Teaching – What I learned about the Expert Blindspot
One common challenge of expert instructors is understanding the learning needs of novice students, known as the expert blindspot. Between semesters, a group of Denison faculty participated in the Rubik’s Cube Challenge: An Expert Blindspot Learning Adventure with colleagues from Furman University.
Not only did Dr. Jane Saffitz, Anthropology and Sociology, learn how to solve the cube, but the experience provided insight into her students’ learning.
Teaching – What Inclusive Instructors Do
Need a change of pace from articles? Go on a walk and listen to this podcast Season 2, Episode 5: What Inclusive Instructors Do with Tracie Marcella Addy, Derek Dube, Khadijah A. Mitchell, and Mallory SoRelle. Colleagues at Lafayette College share their findings about inclusive teaching from researching their upcoming book: What inclusive instructors do.
Teaching – Super Super Super Stressed Out Agh
Recently, I was taken aback by a text from my son: “Super super super stressed out agh.” He is in his sophomore year, with a heavy schedule, but this was out of the ordinary for the “iceman” (a nickname I gave him for always being cool under pressure, and a Bjorn Borg reference). Clearly my son is not alone.
Teaching – Getting Ready for Course Evaluations
When colleague’s want me to observe their class for formative feedback, I always ask them to share two or three things they are working on in which feedback would be helpful. For example, working to involve more students, trying to summarize class in the last five minutes, organizing my board work, etc. This helps me to focus the observation and provide more useful feedback.
Teaching – TILT Assignments to Support the Success of Students from Diverse Backgrounds
The Transparency in Learning and Teaching (TILT) framework helps faculty redesign existing assignments and activities in a manner that makes the purpose and expectations clearer to students. These redesigned assignments have been demonstrated to increase academic confidence, sense of belonging, and metacognitive awareness for all students, with historically underserved students experiencing the greatest benefits.
Teaching – The Quick Tip: How to Make the Most of the Last 5 Minutes of Class
Denise Magner of the Chronicle reminds us to not waste those final minutes trying to cram in eight more points or call out as many reminders as possible. Here are two tips she gives, based on a piece by James Lang
- The minute paper. Wrap up the formal class period a few minutes early, and pose two questions to your students: (1) What was the most important thing you learned today?
Teaching – What You Know That Just Ain’t So
Which is the most important factor in successful learning:
- The intention and desire to learn
- Paying close attention to the material as you study
- Learning in a way that matches your own learning style
- The time you spend studying
- What you think about while studying
The answer, according to cognitive psychologist Stephen Chew, may surprise you. Lendol