Tidbit – Navigating Difficult Moments in Teaching Diversity and Social Justice

Looking to add to your summer reading list? The American Psychological Association has created a new text: Navigating Difficult Moments in Teaching Diversity and Social Justice. The book comprises 18 stand-alone chapters which help “educators tackle common and challenging dilemmas that arise in today’s classroom—such as diversity, privilege, and intersectionality.” Please let us know if interested in exploring in a group.

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Tidbit – A Return to Better

As we look to the fall and the promise of vaccinations, herd immunity, and decreased disease prevalence, it is tempting to leave behind the challenging lessons of the last 16 months. However, we have learned too much to just “snapback to normal” as Josuoa Kim argues in his IHE piece, Avoiding the “snapback.”

As Arundhati Roy notes:

Historically, pandemics have forced humans to break with the past and imagine their world anew.

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Tidbit – Inclusive Teaching Resources

The Association of College and University Educators has a nice resource for supporting inclusive learning with ten helpful practices.  As their website points out:

A classroom, whether physical or virtual, is a reflection of the world in which we live. Research has shown that students from underrepresented groups often face additional challenges. By implementing inclusive teaching practices, faculty create learning environments where all students feel they belong and have the opportunity to achieve at high levels.

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Tidbit – Venture Aims To ‘Resurrect And Reimagine’ Anti-Slavery Newspaper For The 21st Century

Dr. Ibram X. Kendi, founding director of the Boston University Center for Antiracist Researchis partnering with the Boston Globe to launch The Emancipator , “a resurrection of  an early 19th-century abolitionist newspaper with a hope to reframe the national conversation in an effort to hasten racial justice.” In the fall the center conducted a reading group using Kendi’s book How to be an antiracist. 

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Tidbit – Toward Healing & Recovery

In August, Dr. Mays Imad hosted a webinar for Denison where she shared her work on trauma informed pedagogy. As we look forward and what a fall return will look like, Mays will host the webinar:

Leveraging the Neuroscience of Now: Toward Healing & Recovery
Friday, March 26, 2021
12:00 PM – 1:30 PM PDT (3:00 PM EDT)

Register: https://pima.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJcsce-orzMpGt2DsqhxvQnJPvErr3kz1Yvo

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Tidbit – Catch our Breath

With our scheduled no-class days this week, it is not only an opportunity for our students to catch their breaths, but for us as well. This Chronicle piece by James Lang gives us three resources with strategies to consider to help us refresh and refocus:

  • Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World
  • In Praise of Walking
  • How to Do Nothing: Resisting the Attention Economy.

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Tidbit – Teaching about Race and Racism

This week the New York Times published a collection of resources for teaching about race and racism with The New York Times. The post offers a list of more than 75 writing prompts, lesson plans, graphs, short films and more, to help teachers explore these important topics with students. It also includes suggestions and strategies by four educators on how to facilitate these critical, yet sometimes challenging, conversations.

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