Tidbit – Helping Students Finishing Strong

In our recent faculty meeting, we were encouraged to help out students finish strong. What can we do in the next few weeks to help our students successfully cross the finish line? This bulleted article from Faculty Focus tackles six scenarios you may be experiencing in your classes including:

  1. There are several students who have multiple missing assignments, despite the fact that you send frequent reminders and have increased communication in your class.
  2. Attendance was great at the start of the semester, but by midterm, students stop attending in person or synchronous conferencing.
  3. There are many students who are not doing well in the class. You contact them and ask that they attend office hours. Now you have 25 appointments in one week.

It’s been a long semester for all of us. This short piece from neuroscientist Mays Imad explores seven ways you can help student thrive in your classes during these challenging times.