Tidbit – Writing your first grant by Meg Galipault

As the authors note right off the bat in this recommended article, “Writing Your First Grant,” grant writing can be intimidating. The good news is you’re not all on your own. Denison’s Office of Foundation & Corporate Relations (FCR) is here to help.

New professors might be used to working with a “sponsored program office” or a “research office.” At Denison. the FCR office does it all—working with faculty on preparing research grants, with student life departments on program grants, with academic departments on equipment or curricular grants, and with the president’s office on institutional, big-vision grants. 
The FCR office is the first stop on your grant-writing journey and for good reason: all grants in which the funds come directly to Denison require approval before submitting an application. It’s not to serve bureaucracy—we want you to apply for grants—but to ensure that your project is financially sound and that it makes use of college resources. We also want to share our expertise in successful grant-writing and budgeting.

We have lots of tips to offer—from using sub-headings in your narrative section to serving on a grants review panel as a way to learn about grant success. And we love working with you. Your research and projects are invaluable to the college; being part of that process is gratifying.

Take a moment to read the article shared here, and when you’re ready to begin looking for funding, please reach out to Meg Galipault, director, FCR, at galipaultm@denison.edu, to talk about how we can help.