Tech: Fall wrap-up and spring planning- Consultations, AI, and Syllabi

First, ETS is happy to help with wrap up and planning- click to schedule a consultation. We are also hosting walk-in AI labs in the CfLT (Library A07) on January 5, 10-12pm and January 9, 1-3pm.

The syllabus is perhaps the most important document in our courses. A former colleague used to wear a t-shirt to the first day of class that read, “It’s in the syllabus!” As mentioned at the faculty meeting, the template that Canvas created for us includes three different locations for your syllabus.

The three option problem: 

We can save our own time and students’ time by putting our syllabus in one clearly marked location- we recommend the left navigation/menu bar. To do so:

  • Delete the “Welcome to class” module (Modules page), and the Course Overview button on the home page.
  • Ideally, make your syllabus page the home/landing page which is the first page a student sees. To choose your home page, click on Home in the left menu, then click on “Choose home page” on the right hand menu. From there, you can choose your home page as Syllabus. (see image below)

Don’t forget to schedule a consultation if you want our help with wrap-up or planning, and to consider joining our January Walk-in AI labs.