Tidbit: Celebrating our graduates!

The Center for Learning and Teaching (CfLT) is excited to announce the first graduating cohort of the Denison Teaching Seminar (DTS). The cohort includes Leksa Lee from Global Commerce and East Asian Studies, Stacey Truex from Computer Science, Tim Attalah from Chemistry and Biochemistry, and Amanda Arnold from Health, Exercise, and Sport Studies. These four joined the DTS in the fall of 2021, pioneering this community of practice.

Under our guiding philosophy articulated by Julie Dalke—”There is no expert in the room; the room is the expert”—Amanda, Leksa, Stacey, and Tim have truly embodied this spirit. Throughout their time with the DTS, they have engaged as both learners and teachers. They have deepened their understanding of the Denison student and generously shared their insights with subsequent cohorts, becoming mentors themselves.

We look forward to witnessing their continued leadership and growth at Denison and their ongoing engagement with the CfLT. As we know, a teaching center is only as strong as those involved. We are confident that the future of our center is in competent hands, with these dedicated colleagues leading the next wave of innovative teaching and learning.