Teaching: To Use AI or Not to Use AI? A Student’s Burden

This Inside Higher Ed article asks us to take a moment to empathize with students: “no previous generation has been faced with the ever-present option to offload their work, at no cost, with a low likelihood of immediate negative consequences.” Students today are being “responsibilized” for academic integrity in ways that they are not prepared for. The article points out that activities and assessments like offline writing tasks, which in the before-times may have seemed punitive or constricting, can be liberating for students who are likely overwhelmed by the temptation to misuse gen-AI in their academic work.

Reminder that Writing Program office hours are on Thursdays 11:30-1:30 in Barney 315 (except on GFM Thursdays).

Recording for Beyond ChatGPT: Developing a Framework for AI Literacy in Writing Courses

If you missed Marc Watkins’ presentation on January 13th, here is the recording and here are additional resources he shared including the slides for the presentation as well as activities for faculty to practice with Lex, Gamma, and Notebook LM as well as activities for students on prompt engineering, Chatbot Arena, and Quick, Draw!