Tech: Important deadline approaching- about 30 minutes from now

Spring break is around the corner, and we all have many tasks to wrap up before it hits. One mission critical assignment that we all need to be mindful of is to…… look outside for a few minutes. I’ll wait.

Excessive screen time can affect mental and social health, eye strain, neck, shoulder, and back pain.

Try for about a five minute break every 20-30 minutes; setting your phone timer works well. Then:

  • Get up and go outside or look out a window.
  • Look at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds (the 20-20-20 rule)
  • Go and count buzzards.
  • Communicate with a person IRL (“in real life”). Ask them how many buzzards they have seen today.

They say the “internet is forever.” That just means you are free to walk away for a bit, and everything will still be there when you return, refreshed and ready to go!