Tidbit: Revitalizing Your Course at the Halfway Mark

We’re at that critical midpoint, and it’s all too easy to coast (or crash) until finals. But midterm is our golden chance to step back and see if we’re still on the path we laid out at the start. A few small tweaks now can save us—and our students—a heap of stress when crunch time rolls around.

1. Refresh and Realign Course Objectives
Let’s be honest: a lot can slip through the cracks once the semester is in full swing. Even if you spelled out your course goals back in Week 1, students may not remember how or why those objectives matter. Midterm is an ideal time to dust them off and reconnect: show students how assignments and discussions tie back to those big-picture aims, and let them see where they’re thriving—or where they may need extra support. If you spot any gaps, tweak your pacing or approach to keep everyone on track.

2. Remind Students of Support and Resources
You probably introduced a host of resources at the start—office hours, tutoring sessions, writing help—but let’s face it, students often need a gentle push to realize they should use them. At midterm, remind your class (maybe more than once!) that these supports exist for their benefit. Point out specific ways they can tap into these resources before a major paper or exam. Reinforcing this message shows you’re invested in their success and invites them to take ownership of their learning.

3. Infuse Your Course with Something New
By the halfway mark, both you and your students might be craving a little variety. Try shaking things up: invite a guest speaker to bring fresh perspectives, hold a class session in a different campus space, or kick off a mini-project that builds on your course content in a novel way. Even small-scale changes—like a structured debate or lightning-round presentations—can spark renewed excitement about the material, positioning everyone for a strong finish.

Here’s to re-energizing your course and setting the stage for a strong finish!

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