Teaching – some thoughts on grading

As we head into the fifth week of the semester, the grading has started in earnest. Are you happy with your grading process? A group of Denison faculty created a Faculty Learning Community – Alt-Grading – to consider different approaches to grading. In part, they are exploring the many facets of the term “ungrading,” which aims to focus more on the learning process and less on points.

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Cognitive Goals for Classes: Academic Mindset

Teachers can cultivate an academic mindset that promotes student motivation toward deep learning and resilience in the face of setbacks and challenges. Student mental mindset refers to the attitudes and beliefs that the student has about the course. This short article by our friend, Stephen Chew, outlines four essential student beliefs for a productive academic mindset that we can help build in our students.

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Why students won’t read

With all the formalities of the first few weeks behind us, hopefully, your classes have settled into a routine of productive learning. How is the reading going? Often we get frustrated that students are not doing the reading we assign; reading that is critical to course discussion and understanding. The short articles Why Students Won’t Read—and What to Do about It by Chris Hakala and Want Students to Do the Reading?

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The first day of class

I already had my first day of anxiety dream – teaching a new class in my high school classroom, notes were incomplete, and Dr. Matt Neal was there to observe me!

No matter how many times we’ve taught, we all experience some angst about that first class. To help me focus, I always reflect on Lang’s How to Teach a Good First Day of Class which lays out four fundamental principles to follow:

  1. Curiosity
  2. Community
  3. Learning
  4. Expectations

So whether this is your first semester at Denison or your fifteenth, give this easy-to-scan article a look for some final tips before your first class.

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Check out ETS’ Favorites List!

Canvas has so many resources to support instructors that it can be overwhelming what to choose. To make this much less daunting, ETS has curated a short list of video favorites, giving you a good start for using Canvas. Most are well under 5 mins long, and you can easily select to view only the topics that are of interest to you.

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Six steps to a more inclusive syllabus

As we put the finishing touches on our syllabi, here is a quick list of things to consider to make your syllabus more inclusive from this short handout from the STEM Inclusive Excellence Collective at UNC:

  1. Identify and eliminate or explain jargon
  2. Think about tone
  3. Tell the students something about you as a person or professor
  4. Help students understand what it takes to be successful in your course
  5. Normalize struggle and provide information about how to get help
  6. Formatting and Organization

Please follow the handout link for a brief explanation of each.

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Quick Canvas Tip for Those Moments You Shout “Oh No! I did not mean to delete that!!”

If you accidentally delete an item from Canvas or change your mind about deleting it, all is not lost. Go to your course’s home page, and at the end of the URL, type “/undelete.” It will look like this:


Each course has a unique number. In the example URL above, the course “Cheryl Johnson Sandbox” has the unique number “5258”.

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