Meeting our Global Ambassador: Alyssa Contreras

Written by Alyssa Contreras ’26

Hi, I’m Alyssa and I’m from California! The question of where I’m from is always a bit tricky for me since I grew up in California, went to high school in New Jersey, and my parents live in Mexico, but I’ll just stick to California! I’m a junior here at Denison studying International Studies and Spanish with a concentration in Latin America and Caribbean studies. 

On campus, I am involved in La Fuerza Latina and Sigma Lambda Gamma National Sorority Inc. They are two places where I found my home on the Hill! Apart from being a Global Ambassador I also work at the Academic Resource Center (ARC) and as a Teaching Assistant for the Spanish department. 

This spring semester, I am studying abroad in Mexico with CGEE Augsburg! My program is focused on Liberal Arts, Migration, and Social Change. My regional and thematic focus within my International Studies major is studying Mexican immigration of the violation of human rights. When I came across CGEE Augsburg it seemed like the perfect program for me! I am taking courses on migration and furthering my research toward my major. I’m looking forward to spending my semester in Cuernavaca and furthering my knowledge in topics I am really passionate about!