Down the A.I. Rabbit Hole


In this new column, “Down the AI Rabbit Hole,” we will explore the applications and implications of generative AI in higher education. Despite some prevalent AI fatigue, our recent GLCA survey indicates that faculty members are well aware of the significant role this technology will play in our students’ futures (see more about this in Paul Djupe’s post below). My aim for each entry is to offer a practical tip on utilizing AI, as well as to provide a broader perspective on AI’s impact on our world.  

This week’s tip:
During the AI session on Monday, Matt Kretchmar shared a few initiatives his department has undertaken to help address the use of AI. First, the department created a Values Statement, prominently displayed on the department’s website. This statement is a recurring topic for every course the department offers. Second, they developed an integrity survey, adaptable for use in each class at the beginning of the semester. The survey presents different scenarios, prompting students to categorize each as permissible (green), a gray area (yellow), and a violation of academic integrity (red). This is in the same vein as the reference Rebecca Homan used to prompt questions for her W101. 

Broader perspective:
Building on the momentum from Monday’s session, I encourage you to keep engaging with this new technology. You can use this anonymous survey to suggest topics or areas within generative AI that you find compelling or beneficial. I will respond to your suggestions through this column or use them to inform future programming through the CfLT.