Tech – What We’ve Learned with Dr. Sarah Wolff

How do we know students are understanding the basics of our course before it’s too late? Dr. Sarah Wolff has found a way to use Notebowl to provide formative feedback to her students. She uses a cobination of short videos and discussion boards to make sure her students keep on top of their learning.

Interested in trying Sarah’s approach to formative feeding using Notebowl discussion boards? 

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Tech – Keeping Organized Leads to a More Equitable Classroom

Like many of us during the fall, Dr. Chris Weingart – Biology, had a lot on her plate. To help manage everything she knew she had to keep her classes organized. In this video interview, Chris shares how she used a simple Google doc to organize her classes. This led to a more equitable experience for her students as everyone had the same access to resources, materials, and schedule no matter if they were in-person, remote, or happened to miss a class.

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Tech – Why you should update Zoom

Most of us have been using Zoom for about a year now, but some of the terms around the different ways to access Zoom can be confusing. The Zoom “client” is the application that is installed on your computer. The Zoom “web portal” is the website where, among other things, you can access and schedule your meetings, view your recordings saved to the Zoom cloud, setup polling, and import breakout rooms.

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Tech – Four Causes for ‘Zoom Fatigue’ and Their Simple Fixes

In this recent Tomorrow’s Professor post, Stanford researchers have identified four key causes for zoom fatigue:

  1. Excessive amounts of close-up eye contact is highly intense.
  2.  Seeing yourself during video chats constantly in real-time is fatiguing.
  3. Video chats dramatically reduce our usual mobility.
  4. The cognitive load is much higher in video chats.

And provide some simple fixes.

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Tech – Using Two Computers Simultaneously to Teach in Zoom

This semester ETS has been helping several faculty members get setup to use Zoom on multiple devices during their hybrid classes. This approach allows you to have one device/camera set to show you, the professor, while the other device/camera can show the classroom or the whiteboard. It does not need to be a complicated setup with multiple headsets, iPads, and phones.

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Tech – Google 2.0

Many of us have really leveraged tools offered by Google to help organize our classes, communicate with students, and conduct small groups. This article from Faculty Focus covers some other applications of Google Docs and Slides for things such as collaborative note-taking or the jigsaw teaching strategy that some of us use with in-person classes. The article also introduces Google Drawings, similar to Jamboards, but with a much larger range of drawing and graphical abilities.

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Tech – Student Presentations, Pandemic Style

With the semester underway, many students have been working on a variety of traditional projects that require modifications in order to be possible during these strange times. One of those types of traditional projects is the classic student presentation. See this ETS blog post for resources on approaching student presentations. It includes a video TechTip on Student Virtual Presentations, another video Introducing Denison’s One Button Studio, which is located in the library, and other resources that ETS has available for faculty members trying to adapt student presentation projects.

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Tech – Are Two Screens Better Than One?

Have access to two screens? In this video we see how to use the dual monitor feature in Zoom to see our entire class in one screen and our presentation in the other. There are also a few other nuggets including a more equitable class participation.

Looking for some more quick Zoom tips? Check out this list from Chaplain College which covers

    • Ways to Use Chat as a “Side Channel” or “Back Channel”
    • Ways to Use Chat to Encourage, Ensure, and Grade Participation
    • Ways to Use Chat to Facilitate Classroom Logistics

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