Mid-Autumn Festival Celebration Helps Globalize the Liberal Arts

Written by Casey Trimm ’20

The holidays call for quality time spent with friends and family, authentic food, and a celebration of culture, but international students at Denison don’t always have the luxury to do so. Lucky enough for the Denison community, the Asian Culture Club (ACC), in collaboration with Global China Connection (GCC), hosted a Mid-Autumn Festival celebration embracing this traditional Asian holiday and bringing the community together.

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Studying Abroad: On and Off The Hill

Written by Isabella Antonelli ’20, Nha Le ’21, and Casey Trimm ’20

Studying abroad is one of the greatest opportunities students can have to completely immerse themselves in another culture and learn about the world outside of themselves. For some students, that means leaving The Hill, while for others that means coming to The Hill. We spoke with six students at Denison: three of whom are from the United States and studied in other countries (Iceland, Cameroon, and South Africa) and three students who are from abroad (China, Thailand, and The Netherlands) to compare their experiences of homesickness, culture shock, and strategies to feel at home wherever you are. 

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Olivia Reynolds ’20: Shanghai, China

Olivia majors in East Asian Studies. 

My Journey of 1000 Miles: China 2019

As part of Denison’s Home to the Hill course, students complete a Digital Storytelling Project in which they reflect on their time away from Denison. This past fall the project was expanded to include projects using Shorthand. Olivia has given us permission to share her story, My Journey of 1000 miles: China 2019, with you.

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