Day 10: Corinth, Eleusis and Farewell!

Day 10: From Corinth to Eleusis and Back to Athens Again

by KT Amrine and Madeline Young

Corinth (AM): Kt

Today began with breakfast at the hotel and a shorter bus ride than we were used to from the past few days. After about an hour and a half of driving, we arrived at the site of Ancient Corinth earlier than expected.

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Day 9: Mycenae!

Day 9: Yay for Mycenae

by Chloe Chai

[[NOTE FROM PROFESSOR KENNEDY: Due to ongoing excavation work, we are not permitted to discuss our visit to Pylos (Day 8). We want to thank Prof. Shari Stocker (Denison almuna!) and Prof. Jack Davis for their time and for letting us see what an active excavation looks like!]]

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Day 7: Olympia!

Day 7: Competing at Olympia

by Phoebe Martin and Saul Dorado

The day began at Acropole Delphi Hotel with breakfast at 7:30 up until 8:15. People gathered in a line and served themselves breakfasts from eggs to fruit to pastries in a buffet sort of fashion and sat down around together discussing what we had done the previous night as a class.

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Day 6: Delphi Day!

Denison Conquers Mt Parnassos

by Chiara Burson and Rebecca Van Marter

Our day began with an early morning in Athens! After a quick breakfast at the hotel, we embarked on our trip to Delphi. The bus ride was about three hours with a rest stop in the middle. I and other students took a nap while others listened to music or watched the beautiful scenery Greece has to offer through the window.

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Day 5: Kea and Sounion

Today was mostly a journey day. We woke up on the beautiful island of Kea, and had breakfast out on a balcony over the ocean before we went to visit a local acorn farm. After getting a tour of the farm and spending some time learning about how the acorns are farmed and used, we had a break for lunch.

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Day 4: Kea Island

Day 4: Island of Kea

by Rae Weibel

Today was a busy, busy day with lots of traveling! We woke up early (too early, if you ask me) for breakfast, and boarded a bus to the port of Lavrio. Then we all took a ferry ride to the island of Kea. Most everyone stayed indoors on the boat ride, but a few of us went out to look at the water.

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Day 3: The National Archaeological Museum

Day 3: The National Archaeological Museum

by Gabi Bany and Amelia Morris

Day 3 began with an extra little bit of sleep. After a quick breakfast, we all walked to The National Museum. We journeyed to the top floor to view the many different vases the museum has collected, and we learned about the primary types of vases made.

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Day 2: Agora, Kerameikos, Pnyx and Philappappos!

Day 2: Agora, Kerameikos, Pnyx and Philappappos! by AJ Hartwick and Nolan Felker

We started our day at the Athenian Agora, where we were given a special tour by John Pappadopoulous, the Director of the Agora Excavations. Professor Pappadopoulous shared his incredible breadth of knowledge on the site, and also told us about personal stories relating to some of his archaeological discoveries.

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Day 1: The Akropolis!

Day 1 by Taria Fitch and Hollande Friborg

Today was a gorgeous day filled with so much history to explore. 

We started the day with a bright and early departure time to begin our adventure. Mostly everyone attended breakfast at the hotel, which was so good! It was a cloudy day and just the right temperature to explore in. 

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Day 5: Brauron and Sounio and BEACH!

By Esther Hernandez and Areli Nunez

Our day started with an hour long bus ride from Athens to Brauron, one of the twelve cities of ancient Attica. Everyone looked forward to how the day would unfold, because we knew where it would end – at the beach. Our first stop was the sanctuary of Artemis Brauronia, which contains the remains of a small temple of Artemis (picture 1), a unique stone bridge (picture 2), a series of dining rooms (picture 3), and a spring that is currently being pumped.

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